No Place Like Home – Installation see separate film and sound pages for each piece 25th May 2018By admin Film, Installation, Sculpture, Sound Domestic, Film, Home, Installation, Pipes, Sculpture, Sound
Always Watching 20th May 2018By admin Film, Installation, Sculpture 2018, Always Watching, Bathroom, Domestic, Film, Home, Peeping, Pipes
Dorothy Enters Oz 20th May 2018By admin Film, Sculpture 2018, dorothy, Film, Installation, Wizard of Oz
Upon My Death 21st December 2017By admin Film, Installation, Poetry, T o o L o n g D e a d 2017, Bathroom, Domestic, Film, Home, Installation, Poetry, T o o L o n g D e a d
Into the Woods #3 25th November 2016By admin Drawing, Film, Installation 2016, Film, Installation, Woods
Into The Woods #2 20th November 2016By admin Drawing, Film, Installation, Sculpture 2016, Film, Installation, Woods
Into The Woods #1 20th November 2016By admin Drawing, Film, Installation 2016, Drawing, Film, Installation, Woods